Love Chocolate...

"Chocolate is a gift of love to yourself." - quote by Sonja Blumenthal

As I stepped int a café area at a local Barnes and Noble bookstore thinking of what coffee to drink, I noticed a small but very colorful item. The shiny gold color and bold letters caught my attention right away. As I took a better look, one phrase really caught my attention even more: Venezuelan Dark Chocolate!

I took a small yet unique bar and read the whole printing: Willie's Cacao - Las Trincheras Gold, Venezuelan Dark Chocolate. As I further checked this bar out, it had a very appetizing description: 72% dark chocolate with a nutty flavor -- something that really got me interested to try out since I am a chocoholic with a sweet tooth for dark chocolate.

As I unwrapped the chocolate, I felt for a moment that I was receiving a golden ticket from Willie Wonka. A small & yummy prize! A childhood moment came to life...

I took a piece! The smell of the chocolate was powerful yet tentative. A very delicious smell that all chocolate fans can really enjoy. And the taste? It was really nutty and chocolaty but not overpowering nor bitter. Surely nutty with a slight sweet chocolate taste.

I highly recommend this chocolate brand. Very unique smell, a delicious taste to it, and - what got me super excited - its is made with a Venezuelan touch.

If you have tried Willie's Cacao before, please share your experience. I would love to read your opinions. If you're a chocoholic just like me, I invite you to check out other chocolate related posts here in my blog; read and share your opinion at:

- Wonderful Gift (February 2018)
- National Chocolate Milkshake Day (Sept. 2018)


  1. Usually I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. i am Really very happy to say that this post is very interesting to read.You’re doing a great job Man, Keep it up. I blog at


    1. Hello, I greatly appreciate your visit and your comment. I hope I can see you more often around this blog and hear more about your favorite food.

      Take care!

  2. No sabes lo que extraño el chocolate venezolano aquí. Nunca conseguimos uno igual. Tu post me ha dado antojo ❤️❤️

    1. Un rico chocolate venezolano no tiene precio, Noemi. Espero puedas darte un gusto pronto con un chocolate venezolano.

  3. Siento autentico amor por el chocolate y si tu nos recomiendas este tendré que probarlo, porque ya me has creado una necesidad

    1. Tienes que probarlo, Sonila. Después me cuentas tu experiencia ;)

  4. Ok so now I have to go to Barnes & Nobles to find this chocolate because just reading your post is making me crave it!! Yumm!! And so cute about the golden ticket!! Also, love that it’s 72% and Venezuelan chocolate!!

    1. Yes Sonila, hope you can go & find it. If you can't find it, check out their website at Willie's Cacao

  5. Ahhhh the golden ticket for Willy Wonka! That's a dream come true!

    1. Yeesss my dear Enriqueta, I got the Golden Ticket with this chocolate ;)

  6. Yo amo el chocolate en todas sus versiones! Por lo que cuentas, debe ser riquísimo este chocolate venezolano.

    1. UUfff estaba súper sabroso este chocolate. Espero lo puedas conseguir y probarlo.


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